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Thursday, 19 May 2011

Superficial Christianity - Shall It Be Communism, Religion, Democracy, or Christ? Article Source:

Americans have no concept of what it means to be persecuted for Christ. We live in a world of superficial Christianity that promotes shallow religious convictions. Thus we lack the courage to be counted. Our political leaders, even those who profess Christianity, promote tolerance to the point of excluding the heart and soul of Christianity. They focus on a world that blends communism, democracy, and religion into a single dull-minded society of political failure.

Personal comfort is the promised Holy Grail. Yet where is the comfort in gasoline that hovers around four dollars per gallon? Where are your jobs? Why is the nation consumed by its own debts? Why do we continue to follow the financial, social, and spiritual advise of failed leaders and failed concepts?

Our grandparents experience a time of social collapse. In the depths of it, they found strength and determination. They set themselves to follow the God of scriptures, and they lived with the expectation of His provisions. They believed and depended upon Jesus Christ as the only living God.

Our parents experienced the beginnings of easy prosperity. They grew selfish and soft. In a very short time, they permitted the foolishness of lost men to strip them of the right to pray in school. They surrendered the right to speak with Christian authority.

We are more timid even than were they. We do not even uphold Christian truths, values, and principles within the sanctuary of our own services. Wickedness rather than scripture regulates the concept of right and wrong. And we are proud of our sins.

Perhaps you do not believe that men should have the right to pray in school. Perhaps you feel that the bible is outdated and irrelevant to modern life. Maybe for you, Christ should make no demands upon His subjects. As to prayer: even the Romans understood the value of permitting a conquered county full access to their existing religious practices. As to relevance: the bible plainly addresses and provides a solution to every financial, political, and moral ill that is currently choking this nation. As to His subjects: they know who He is, and they obey.

Though it poses under the disguise of democracy and tolerance, Communism has moved upon this nation. And the Christians remain silent. We have become so self-centered that we will rejoice over another's loss of freedom - even when it has become clear that that freedom is but a falsely perceived threat to our own pleasures.

We claim ourselves righteous, but we resist the truth. We act in falsehood and self-deceit, daily sinking deeper into our woes. Fear piles against us. Depress sweeps our homes and our nation. We ignore the wisdom in God's holy word, and we call the voice of reason insanity.

In his book, " Tortured For Christ," Pastor Richard Wurmbrand speaks of how the Communists came into his country, and of how so-called men of God chose Joseph Stalin as an honorary president of the Christian body. "At the same time," wrote Pastor Wurmbrand, "he was president of the World Movement of the Godless and a mass murder of Christians."

Pastor Wurmbrand wrote of bishops and pastors rising one behind the other to declare that communism and Christianity were fundamentally the same and could co-exist. He spoke concerning a nation that was being consumed by the same faulty political viewpoints as are now common in America.

Perhaps your eyes are buried in the sand. Perhaps you cannot see the pattern of communist behavior that drives our current government. Maybe the sales pitch is too smooth for your comfortable lifestyle. After all: we do live in a nation where even the best Christian churches are more concerned about maintaining their tax status than about speaking the truth. Persecution for Christ is the last thing that we are willing to endure.

I am not advocating rebellion against authority. Neither am I suggesting that Christians march against abortion clinics. I am talking about living as a public witness for Jesus Christ, of daring to preach on a public street corner, of crying out for lost souls, and of speaking against sin and wickedness in positions of authority.

Concerning the meeting and the acceptance of Joseph Stalin as a political and religious figure, Pastor Wurmbrand wrote these words:

"My wife and I were present at this congress. Sabina told me, 'Richard, stand up and wash away this shame from the face of Christ! They are spitting in His face.' I said to her, 'If I do so, you will lose your husband.' She replied, 'I don't wish to have a coward as a husband.'"

Are you a coward, a salesman, or a Christian?

Without that we chose now the truths of scripture, there shall come a time in this nation when we too must hide in homes, in basements, and in the woods, when as Christian witnesses we may be called upon to endure the ultimate price of our faith.

Hi. rmharrington here.

I am a professional author with over 500 general articles published via Textbroker and Writer Access. My rate is 4.5 cents per word.

Contact me at: rmharrington@jobshopesolutions.

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