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Thursday 7 July 2011

Characters of Jesus (part 1)

Characters of Jesus
Jesus Heals: Mk. 1:32-34
The evening being spoken of is Sabbath day's evening when the sun did set (v.32). This means that the Sabbath is over. Old Testament regulationns forbid carrying loads on the Sabbath (example Jer. !7:21).
But now the people may freely bring their loved ones to the feet of Jesus. What desperation the people must feel. Their desperation the people must feel. Their desperation leads to aith, and faith leads to
deliverance. This should cause us to ask ourselves if we have the same kind of outlook today. Do we bring to Jesus the cares and concerns of our loved ones? And when we do, is Jesus our last resort or our
first priority? The faith of the people in v.32 challenges us to refocuse our eyes on the Saviour and behold his glory for what it truly is: Life-changing. While our problems may not instantly vanish before our eyes,
we can be rest assured that Jesus hears our prayers. We take hope that He can deliver us out of the depths of  despair.
The city in v.33 is Capernaum, located on the northwest shore of the sea of Galilee. The population at this time is somewhere between 1000, and 2,000. The phrase "all the city was gathered" need not signify
exactly 1000 percent of that population, But just a substantial number. They are eager with expectation to recieve their healings and deliverance. And Jesus did not dissapoint them. The Bible records that the
 sick are healed, demons are cast out from the afflicted (v.34). Jesus is the Great Physician, He can heal you today if only you will come to and call on Him.

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