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Friday 8 July 2011

Confession and Forgiveness Ps 32:1-5

The Bible says whoever covers his or her sins shall not prosper, but he or she that confesses them shall have mercy.
Unconfessed sin is a burden and sickness to the soul and body. It makes one's bones to grow old and gives groaning
to the heart. It causes God's heavy hand to be on the person for unpalatable occurrences. Until sins are confessed, the
person is in bondage of the devil. Confession of sin also precedes forgiveness from God. Until the psalmist acknowledge
and confessed his sins, he didn't receive forgiveness but damnation. Why must you be carrying about the guilt of sin? Why
will you allow God's enemy? Why can't you lay it all open before Him, confess all the evils you have done, He will surely forgive you.
Point of Emphasis: Confess your evil deeds and be Forgiven.

Skilled in the Law of Moses Ezra 7:1-6
Every profession in life requires skill acquisition. If a man refuses to acquire the necessary skill required of him in his profession, he will
die in obscurity. These are the kinds of people that complain of low or no patronage by customers. The same things go for being God's
minister, servant or child. After complaining to God, you need both personal and corporate spiritual development that will make your faith in
God to be established and make your service (s) acceptable to Him. You have to acquire skills in studying the word in prayer, in fasting, in holy
living, etc. This will require your diligence, dedication and consecration to the things of God. Ezra did all these and it was recorded of him that
he was a skilled scribe in the law of Moses. What is the testimony about you?
Point of Emphasis: You need spiritual skill to know more of God.

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