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Thursday 21 July 2011

Excelling in Generousity 2 Cor. 8:1-7

It has been observed and confirmed over the years that one may not appreciate the value of what he or she has until such things are lost. Also what don't  you appreciate may be appreciated the more by an outsider. This is the case of the macedonian church. they were a Gentile church, but once they were able to get in to the kingdom of God, they handle His principle with serious hand, especially giving to the needy in the church. This shows us that God is no respecter of  any person. There is no one He cannot use for His work, whether Jew or Gentile who is saved. Paul was proud of them and so used them as a point of reference for good works to others. Since you put your faith in God, can God be proud of you? Are you doing good works in Him.
Point of Emphasis: Don't Frustrate God's grace extended to you. 

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