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Thursday 23 June 2011

The Victories of Joshua

Victory Through Christ  1Cor. 15:50-57
Sin brought death to Man, such that which was immortal became mortal. Unlike the mortal man,
the inheritance, which God prepared for man will endure forever. It would have been meaningless
for a mortal to be given an eternal inheritance. God made Jesus die on the cross to win for us victory
over sin and its repercussion. Through the death of Jesus on the cross, we are given victory and the
bright hope of eternal life to enjoy the incorruptible inheritance prepared for us. Do you have the
assurance that when the trumpets shall sound and the saints shall rise to meet Jesus, you will be there?
Point of Emphasis: Unconquered carnal nature will debar many from their eternal inheritance.

The Victory of Faith  1Jn. 5:1-5
Before the coming of Jesus into the world, Satan had unrestricted rule over the world. Jesus, through His
death on the cross, won complete victory over the devil, taking captivity captive. Man hopelessness under
the ruler-ship of Satan can now be replaced by hope and freedom. But to enjoy this freedom, each has to plug
into what Jesus had done. This can be done by putting one's faith in the Lord Jesus. Everyone, who has put his
faith in Jesus, and is committed to obedience to God's command, is assured of victory over Satan, his agent and
the world in general.
Point of Emphasis:  This is the victory that has overcome the world -our faith

A petition For Victory   Ps. 20
The joy of victory can be experienced in many ways-when one's prayer is answered, when a long standing problem
crumbles before one, when the storm of life ceases unexpectedly; when a strong adversary is defeated, etc. While one
is waiting for victory, there is the temptation to run from pillar to post, and the danger to shift one's gaze from God
to what appears as an alternative source of solution. Those, who put their trust for victory in other powers besides God,
are invariably consumed by the problem. Fix your eyes on God, He is strong enough to deliver and to save.
Point of Emphasis:  Those who trust in chariots and horses will fall, but we who trust in God will stand.

Assurance Before the Battle  Josh. 5:10-15
As we face the challenges of each day, we are sometimes overwhelmed by their enormity. We take stock of the resources available
to us to combat the problem. Many times, we overlook the divine resource, which God has prepared to assist us. Joshua, while on
reconnaissance tour around Jericho, was not counting on the Lord's army. He was probably counting on his warriors and working out
how to deploy his troops to ensure success. God needed to remind Joshua that His army was going to fight the war against Jericho.
Do you remember that the angels of the Lord encamp around the dwelling of the righteous?
Point of Emphasis:  God deploys His army to ensure that believers have victory over all their challenges.

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