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Friday 29 July 2011

Hearing the Law of God Neh. 8:1-12

How do you hear and listen to the Word of God? People are not so much blessed in church services because of the poor and faulty way with which they hear or listen to God's word. They may be gazing at the minister, but their hearts may be miles away. Some may hear and not understand. Some listen half-heartedly. All these are faulty ways of hearing God's Word. In the days of Ezra,when he read the book of the law,the people listened attentively (v.3)with the heart to understand (v.2). the result was that God's Word mixed with faith in the people and they started weeping. When last has the Word touched your heart and life to the bone? What has been your disposition, action, or reaction to the Word God? Allow your heart to be softened towards the Word of God.

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