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Friday 29 July 2011

Set Your Mind and Heart 1 Chro. 29:17-19

At a point in the life of king David, when the Lord had given him rs from war, he thought it wise to build a house for the Ark of Covenant which is a symbol of God's presence among His people. But God said no, because David had shed so much blood in war, but that his son Solomon would do ti. But because David heart was set on building a temple for God, he made provision for what Solomon would eventually use to build the temple. This is a type of heart of heart that is set to seek God, nothing will be too much for you to give to God. You will always pray for an opportunity to give to God's work. From today, set your heart on seeking God, working for Him and doing His will.
Point Of Emphasis: Set your mind on things above where Christ is.

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